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Suggestion Therapy (also known as Clinical Hypnosis)

Suggestion therapy is what most people (including references in the press and on television) are referring to when they talk of ‘hypnotherapy’. 

Suggestion therapy is exactly as is sounds: you will be relaxed into a very light hypnotic state the therapist will give you some very positively-worded suggestions that will affect whatever symptom(s) you are consulting about. As well as the positive suggestions, you will be taught how to visualise the outcome you desire and you will be given strategies to think and act more positively.   

For example, if you were consulting for driving test nerves, you would be given suggestions such as 'you are going to feel calm, relaxed and in full control, during your driving test'; you would then be guided you through your driving test (whilst you are in the hypnotic state), practicing your driving skills in a calm and relaxed way.  In effect, you would be 'rehearsing' the outcome that you DESIRE (passing your test in a relaxed and confident manner) rather than 'worrying about what might go wrong'.

On leaving the session (usually only one session is needed) you will be feeling very positive, calm and relaxed, and feeling very differently towards whatever situation or event you were consulting for. 

Suggestion therapy has short-term effects (usually lasting a few weeks to a few months) and hence isn't really a life-changing therapy. It IS incredibly powerful, and can be incredibly effective, but usually just for a few weeks. For this reason, this type of therapy is ideally suited to treating the more simple problems and symptoms such as stopping smoking, exam nerves, nail biting, pre-test nerves, flying anxiety, general relaxation, confidence boosting, wedding speech nerves, dentist nerves and slimming (although for long-term weight reduction or weight issues, Hypnoanalysis is recommended  click here for more info on Hypnoanalysis or weight loss). Suggestion therapy is usually effective immediately, and hence only one or sometimes two sessions would be required.

A session of suggestion therapy with us at Woodbridge Hypnotherapy costs just £75.00


Call Jon NOW, on 0776 675 1242 to make an appointment. 

Woodbridge Hypnotherapy and Hypnoanalysis - providing professional therapy services to the the people of Woodbridge, Melton, Afford, Martlesham Heath, Ipswich, Saxmundham, Aldeburgh, Wickham Market, Framingham


Hypno analysis

Hypno analysis is, I believe, the single most effective form of therapy available in the world today, for the resolution of anxiety, depression, phobias, fears, eating disorders and other psychological and emotional problems/symptoms.

Hypno analysis is a highly developed form of hypnotherapy (sometimes called analytical hypnotherapy). Hypno analysis, in its various forms, is practised all over the world, though IAEBP Members are highly trained to practice this. To understand why Hypno analysis is SO effective, please read the information below.


This form of hypnotherapy can TOTALLY RESOLVE the CAUSE of unconscious anxieties - leaving the sufferer free of their symptoms for life

Hypno analysis, a special type of hypnotherapy, is an amazing therapeutic process, developed to help people to permanently resolve their unconscious anxieties and conflicts, freeing them from their symptoms and problems in life.


Hypno analysis (noun): "a therapeutic technique in which a client is relaxed into hypnosis, and using free-association, sets out to release and resolve bottled-up emotions, conflicts and anxieties "

If you were to try and think of a ‘yard-stick’ to somehow measure the severity or intensity of one symptom against another, you could use the experience of ‘getting over the death of a loved-one’. Most schools of psychology (and your own experience) will tell you that it takes ‘the average person’(1) a couple of years to get over the death of a loved one. (Now, this is such a difficult and varied experience to generalise for the purpose of this explanation, but such a common experience, that most people will either have had some direct or indirect experience of it). When I say a couple of years to get over the death of a loved-one, I mean the initial effects of the death of a loved one – those (necessary) experiences that create what is known as ‘grieving’. A grieving process is very similar for most people: you miss your loved-one, you think about your loved-one, you dream about your loved-one, you cry about your loved-one, you talk about your loved-one, lots of places/people/feelings remind you of your loved-one….. all of these experiences bring the thought of your loved-one into your mind (or consciousness, to be specific) and you feel some sort of emotion. You may feel sad, you may feel guilty, you may feel pain, or loss, or anger, or shame, or happy, or any other type of emotion… the bottom line is the same though: the thought of your (recently-passed) loved-one comes into your mind, and you feel emotional.


The thought comes into your mind, and you feel the emotion...


Now, anyone who has ever lost a loved-one will know that the first few days/weeks/months are the hardest. This is because during the ‘early grieving days’, the emotions are at their strongest, and last the longest. The longer the grieving process goes on, the less and less the emotion bubbles to the surface, and you find it easier and easier to get on with your life. Within a couple of years, the thoughts and ‘negative memories’(2) come into mind less, and less, and less, and the ‘sufferer’ feels ‘more free’ or ‘less depressed’, or ‘less held-back’ at time goes by….. 

Immediately after the loss, you cannot even think about your loved-one without breaking down and sobbing……. A couple of years later, you can talk about them freely without being affected at all… you are no longer thing about the ‘negative stuff’, and you are able once again to think about the pleasant, happy memories: you are resolved! 

I call this the ‘Natural Therapeutic Process’ 


Time doesn't heal - the release of emotion does.....
The famous saying ‘time heals’ is not strictly true. Time doesn’t heal, it is the emotions and experiences that arise (into consciousness) OVER time, that heals. It is the slow, deliberate, natural ‘drip drip drip’ of emotions arising over time, which allows people to resolve emotional trauma. 


The same analogy can be used for ANY emotional or psychological ‘trauma’: car crashes, disease, a relationship break-up, rape, assault, war, abuse ….. and less obvious trauma as well: divorce, sibling rivalry, school anxieties, fighting, childhood insecurities, acne, blushing, ‘growing pains’.. 

This is a perfectly NATURAL process, which people have been using since they were living in caves! It is a superb process/technique, because each person will go through the process at their own natural rate - depending on many factors, including: the size of the ‘trauma’, how stressed they are, how supported they are, whether they have a loving spouse at home, whether they have good ‘coping mechanisms’, what personality type they have…. People resolve things at their own pace. (Have you ever noticed how some of your friends get over things very quickly, yet some are still conflicted many years later?) 

So, the average person can (effectively) resolve a major emotional trauma (the death of a loved-one – our ‘yard stick’) in two years. Two years later, they are getting on with their lives…

Why then, are some people afraid of; spiders, dogs, flying, darkness, being alone, being judged, wetting themselves etc all their lives? If they could get over the death of a loved one in two years, how come they still have their fear of spiders twenty years later? 

The same question can be asked in relation to symptoms: Why is it that diets don’t work? Why is it that most ex-smokers put on weight? Why is it that most depressed people stay depressed, compulsives stay compulsive, nailbiters stay nailbiting, obsessives stay as obsessive, shy people stay shy????? 

How come all these emotionally-driven symptoms remain, to a greater or lesser extent, year-in, year-out? (3) 

The answer is very, very simple: the emotional conflict causing them, is ‘bottled up’(4)
If the emotional conflict is bottled-up and hidden away, how can a person get over it?
How can you ‘get over’ something you don’t remember? You can only ‘grieve’ if the memory/experience is coming into your mind….. if it is not in your mind, how can you cry about it, talk about it, shout about it? 

All of the symptoms listed on this website are caused by ‘bottled up’ emotional conflicts, that the sufferer has no idea they have! 


Alternatively, you could talk to any one of the thousands of people every year, who have their anxieties resolved by releasing their bottled-up emotional conflicts, after seeing an IAEBP therapists.

So… the most ‘natural’ form of therapy, is one that utilises this natural therapeutic process that everybody has within themselves – this is EXACTLY what ‘Hypnoanalysis’ does: it allows the person to quickly and easily resolve the bottled up emotions that were causing the symptoms, and the symptoms completely disappear, for good. 

Does that sound too good to be true? Does that sound unbelievable? Ask yourself this: look back to when you were a teenager, and to when your first relationship ended – the first time you were ‘dumped’ by a boyfriend or girlfriend…Remember how devastated you felt? Remember how depressed/angry/sad/lonely you felt? You may even have gone ‘the whole hog’ and written some poetry about it!  You probably felt that life just wasn’t worth living, and that life was never going to be the same again… You don’t feel like that now though, do you? 

Looking back on that incident 20 years ago, you don’t feel the same about it now, do you? You don’t STILL feel sad/depressed/angry/alone about the break up. Even if you really sit back and think about it, try and remember it all, in all its glory, you CAN NOT and WILL NOT feel those horrible feelings now – because you are over it. You have dealt with it, you have grieved for it, you have resolved it, and it will NEVER bother you again. Something that was traumatic, emotional, frightening, sad, painful etc doesn’t bother you AT ALL anymore, because you have resolved it. 

Much like the analogy above of the grieving process in respect of the death of a loved one, you have resolved the bulk of the emotion, and are able to get on with your life. 

What would have happened though, if, for some reason, you couldn’t or weren’t able to grieve about your teenage relationship ending? Let’s say it was SO emotional, that you simply couldn’t face up to it, and you bottled it all up…. (this is called ‘repression’ – a repression occurs when the emotion is so strong that the persons psyche completely ‘hides it’ from their consciousness: it is not ‘forgotten’ like the way we sometimes forget things, it is totally hidden from consciousness – repressed) All those emotions would still be with you now, buried in the back of your mind, causing you untold grief and anxiety..

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if you could create a safe, caring, trusting, confidential relationship with a therapist, and slowly release those bottled up emotions? 


Sounds great? But how do we know where to find those emotions?


Resolving emotional conflicts....
The answer is, of course, that we don’t have to FIND those emotions (we don’t have to find them when getting over the death of a loved-one.. we don’t have to find them when getting over the breakdown in a relationship) those emotions WILL COME TO THE SURFACE BY THEMSELVES – if the correct therapeutic relationship is created, AND the therapist ALLOWS the clients Natural Therapeutic Process to work – rather than telling the client what they believe is wrong, and what they believe the client should do, in order to be freed from their symptoms (more about this later) 

So, every person that has a psychological or emotional symptom (see symptoms page) has some bottled up emotions that are causing those symptoms. To naturally and completely get rid of those symptoms we must allow those ‘repressed’ emotions to come to the surface so we can resolve them… So the only truly effective therapy is one that allows those ‘bottled-up/repressed’ emotions – how many therapies actually do that?(5) 

The answer to that question (as far as we can tell) is: just one – ‘Hypnoanalysis’ 

To understand why the above is the case, we must look at what other types of therapy actually do…


A closer look at other therapies, and how they work... 

Let’s take a fairly simple case of ‘social phobia’ (sometimes known as social anxiety. Social phobia is caused by bottled-up/repressed feelings of shame and guilt. The sufferer feels ‘judged’ by other people, and avoids places and situations where they might feel ‘on the spot’ or embarrassed – particularly in public. 

If the social phobia sufferer went for traditional counselling, the two of them would probably discuss the situations and experiences that were ‘triggering off’ the phobia (relationship/stress/work/confidence etc) The sufferer might feel a bit better, and feel a but more in control, BUT they would still have their phobia and it would still be having a profound effect upon their life. 

If the sufferer went for psychotherapy, they would probably receive a more in-depth version of the counselling above. Without getting to the bottled-up CAUSE of the phobia though, the sufferer can only obtain a limited resolution. 

If the sufferer went for some CBT, they would probably feel more control of their life, and find life easier… but the phobia would still be there, affecting their life 

If the sufferer went for normal hypnotherapy (sometimes called ‘clinical’ or ‘suggestion’) they would have one or two sessions and feel quite a lot better, BUT the emotion would find another way out, and the symptoms would soon likely return with a vengeance! 

If the sufferer went for normal ‘hypnoanalysis’(6) (not the IAEBP ‘Hypnoanalysis’ version) they would probably get a lot better, but probably wouldn’t get to the CAUSE of the problem, and hence wouldn’t get the full, amazing resolution. 

If, however, the sufferer went for a course of ‘Hypnoanalysis’, they would very likely bring to the surface ALL the repressed/bottled-up emotions that were causing the phobia, freeing them from the symptoms completely and permanently. 

Please don’t think I am saying that these other forms of therapy aren’t successful, because they are. They are all able to help people to change their lives – when they are used in the correct setting, for the right sort of problem. You wouldn’t go to a ‘grief counsellor’ for help with a phobia… you wouldn’t go to an NLP practitioner if you were contemplating suicide… you wouldn’t go for four years of psychotherapy if you were simply frightened of flying! 
If your problems or symptoms in life are caused by bottled-up/repressed emotions, then there is no better therapy to help resolve them, than  Hypno Analysis. 


So how does Hypno Analysis work?

Hypno Analysis simply creates a safe, trusting and confidential environment where the natural therapeutic process can work, ALLOWING the client to slowly bring all the bottled up emotions to the surface. It doesn’t rely on ‘therapist insight’, ‘fishing techniques’, regression techniques or any other ‘invasive’ techniques in order to work effectively. Create the right relationship, show the client how to utilise the natural therapeutic process, and in six or seven sessions the bottled-up emotions will be resolved. 


What happens in a typical session?

Over a period of about 6-8 weekly hour-long sessions the client is gently relaxed into a very light hypnotic state (they are wide-awake, fully in control, but very relaxed) and whilst is this relaxed state, asked to verbalise recollections that spring into their mind. This free-association of experiences very quickly allows the client’s subconscious mind to ‘push to the surface’ experiences that relate to the ‘bottled up emotion’ (go back five minutes and remember the description of what happens during the natural therapeutic process ….. experiences keep on coming into mind and they keep on linking back to the ‘trauma’ (the bottled-up emotion) until all the emotion is released) 

Other types of hypnotherapy (and other therapies) attempt to use the technique of 'free association' but (as far as we know) do not use it in its 'purest' form as taught within the IAEBP. This is because UNLIKE many other therapies, Hypnoanalysis DOES NOT RELY on insight or intellect - in other words it doesn't rely on what the therapist (or the client) deems is important / significant. Our research suggests that many therapies fail to utilise this natural therapeutic process because the therapist has either tried to a) short cut it (e.g. pin point regression techniques) b) determine what they THINK is causing the clients symptoms c) intervene too much in the therapy process and intellectualise / interpret what's happening. All of these things simply slow down or halt the natural process of simply allowing the emotions to surface in a very caring, non-judgemental atmosphere.


The lack of understanding of (what I have referred to as) the natural therapeutic process, is, in my opinion, the single biggest reason why there are so many different types of therapy available today: everyone is attempting to ‘control the symptom’, rather than ‘resolve the real underlying cause’.


Why would anyone chose to go through their life, 
continually fighting to get control over individual symptoms
(weight, smoking, phobias, depression etc) when they can permanently resolve them in just a few sessions?

A summary of Hypnoanalysis...

Hypnoanalysis as taught and practised by the IAEBP has been in a constant state of development since 1974, and - we believe - is the most effective effective form of therapy currently available in the world. 


Most other forms/types of therapy don't get to the underlying CAUSE of the problem (the unconscious causes of the anxiety/symptoms) and totally resolve them..... what they do is to try and 'mask' the symptom somehow - like putting a plaster over it .


Hypnoanalysis offers a complete and permanent resolution. 

Our therapy - unlike psycho-analysis, counselling, and many of the psychotherapies, - does not rely on 'therapist insight'..... it's NOT about the therapist telling you what they THINK is the cause of the problem, or what their INTERPRETATION of the problem is, or about them being clever enough to guess what is going on in the back of someone else's brain..... it is about simply allowing the client to bring-up what is important and resolve it. completely and permanently.

Hypnoanalysis only takes a few (weekly) sessions - usually just 6-10. 

To make an appointment, call Jon on 0776 675 1242 or e-mail Jon at: 



"I had 10 sessions with Jon and as the weeks passed I felt my mood lifting week by week and after just a few weeks I'd managed to come off my anti-depressant tablets and at the end of my course I felt, and still feel truly happy. Many of my "inner demons" have completely dissapeared and I live a happy life. I'll always be grateful to Jon - Thank you!"
JH Essex

"Hi John,
Thankyou so much for giving me the confidence to move forward in my life, I have a new found belief in myself that i know will stay with me always. I am looking forward to starting our new business which i know will be a great success.

Once again many thanks"
Sherri . Great Dunmow

Belief Work

"Belief Work" is a very effective cognitive approach to solving emotional problems. Usually comprising of 6 sessions, I show my clients all of the cognitive processes, belief systems and psychological facts that create and maintain our emotional problems and issues. This approach is extremely valuable to my clients to whom HypnoAnalysis is not appropriate and Suggestion Therapy wouldn't really create the desired long term outcome. This system is especially effective for resolving many fears and phobias, especially "control based " ones such as emetophobia (the fear of being sick) fears of flying, spiders, driving on motorways or at night, and many others. Its is also very effective for  obsessions and compulsions. I often integrate elements of this course into Suggestion therapy sessions and Hypno Analysis to give my clients a logical understanding of their own thought processes, thereby empowering them to make the changes they need to make. 



HypnoBand is probably the most successful hypno-therapeutical weight loss system available in the world today. I have been a practitioner for 10 years and have seen incredible results for my clients. This system has been created for clients needing to lose three stone or more and have a BMI of 25 + . For more information on this remarkable method please look at my HypnoBand page


Smoking Cessation
I am a very experienced Smoking Cessation Specialist with a very high success rate. I've helped hundreds of smokers quit cigarettes quickly and easily over the years. In a single session, I show my clients the true reasons they smoke and why they have found it difficult in the past to become a non-smoker. Half of the session is very cognitive, i.e. logical. I will challenge your existing belief systems towards your smoking habit. If you don't accept the new ideas I offer you are free to walk away at this point with no charge whatsoever (this has never happened but if you're the first its no problem) If you do agree with what Im saying we will proceed to the hypnotherapy part (using suggestion therapy- or clinical hypnosis) to secure the new ideas in your subconscious mind. With both parts of your mind collaborating together, there is no internal conflict to pull you back towards a habit you no longer desire. Take a look at my smoking cessation page and give me a call to book your one-off session. Expect to walk away from this session as a non-smoker.


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