Irritable Bowel Syndrome resolved quickly and easily - in Woodbridge- using hypnosis and hypnotherapy techniques.
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is thought to affect as many as one in five of the population at any one time. Its symptoms can vary from person to person, but typically one or more of the following symptoms may be experienced:
Bloating (that may subside overnight, only to return the next day, and may occur after eating a meal)
Abdominal pain or cramps
may, or may not, be reduced by passing a stool
may be specific to the lower right side or tucked up under the right ribs
tucked up under left ribs, or if the pain is particularly bad it may move into the left armpit
in women, left sided abdominal pain during sex
or more generalised pain or cramping
Painful swallowing
Noisy gurgling stomach (may be loud enough to cause social embarrassment)
Variable, erratic and unpredictable bowel habits
Severe short stabbing pains in the rectum
Passing urine more often
Loss of appetite
Depressive symptoms
Anxiety and stress-related symptoms, which may interact with the gut symptoms
IBS is a condition that is often hidden by the person experiencing its symptoms. The media is certainly trying to move us towards a point where we are more comfortable talking about bloating, stomach cramps, constipation or diarrhoea, however, if you suffer from the condition, you will know how difficult it can be to talk about what can be very embarrassing symptoms. For example, how do you tell the person interviewing you that you are suffering with severe flatulence? How do you explain to the coach driver that you need to stop for the toilet (again, having only been 5 minutes previously)? How do you leave in the middle the funeral to find a toilet? Or how do you tell your new partner that you dare not go on a trip in case you have a bout of IBS?
If you are someone who suffers with IBS, you will also know only too well that the symptoms can seriously affect and limit your ability to enjoy life to the full. It is the severity and frequency of symptoms that can be most troublesome and intrusive for sufferers and it is a condition that can be notoriously difficult to treat successfully.
Despite this, there are many cures and treatments recommended by the ‘experts’ and these include a large number of medications and herbal treatments (e.g. for diarrhoea, constipation, cramps and flatulence or bloating); dietary changes and restrictions; exercises – different types of exercise seem to be in vogue at different times (e.g. yoga is currently experiencing an elevated status as the exercise ‘cure’); and lifestyle changes or restrictions.
However, the disappointing reality for IBS sufferers is that of the many treatments listed above, which are variable and often disappointing in their treatment outcomes, all aim to treat the symptoms, rather than removing or resolving the root cause of the IBS. This will mean that the person will always likely to have a susceptibility to IBS, the symptoms of which could be moderated with treatments, but that may always return.
How Analytical Hypnotherapy Can Help the people of Woodbridge and surrounding areas
A course of analytical hypnotherapy (hypnoanalysis - for more info on hypnoanalysis click here) would help you to fully resolve all issues relating to IBS, leaving you free to lead a life without symptoms in future. It would also provide you with a greater sense of self; it will boost self-confidence and self-esteem; it will help you build on your self-belief and you will find yourself being calm, self-assured and confident in situations where previously you may have experienced your most severe symptoms.
An added bonus is that hypnosis is wonderfully relaxing and reduces stress levels.
Here at Great Dunmow Hypnotherapy we will place you at ease so that you feel comfortable and free to talk about your symptoms in a safe and friendly environment. We understand how difficult it can be to talk about IBS and to seek help, but if you would like to rid yourself of IBS and resolve any related emotional issues forever, we are confident that we can help you.
Here at Woodbridge Hypnotherapy we have substantial experience of helping people to rid themselves of problematic IBS and related symptoms using Hypnoanalysis and find that symptoms usually disappear within 8 sessions.
N.B. Before engaging in any course of treatment, it is advisable to seek medical advice to ensure all other possible causes of your symptoms have been ruled out.